Location: Adelaide, S.A., Australia

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Billie Joe Got Me Wet...

*cough* Now I have your attention, I am going to tell you about the best concert ever… That you didn’t go to! And yes, I am going to rub it in!

After spending 2 hours in the line for the Simple Plan/Greenday Concert (My brother spent four hours there, thus us being 5th in line…) We entered the Entertainment Centre. We being Me, My brother Angus, his friends Laura, Anna, Nick and Joel. We ran right to the front and ended up on the barrier just to the right of the middle. It was an absolutely awesome spot. After making friends with the nice security guard (oxymoron), we discovered that Laura’s brother, in a box, could get us free ice-cold water. Score! I was surprised to see Lauren and Mike (Tall Mike) there, as I didn’t know they were going, but then ended up standing right behind us…

By 7:45 a girl had already fainted and been removed from the crowd. You could tell it was going to be a good night!

Simple Plan entered the stage at 8pm sharp and played enough of their old, non-whiny [ok, LESS-whiny] songs, to keep me entertained. They finished with Perfect, which, while being a fairly annoying song, worked well, as all the lights were turned off, and the only thing that could be seen was the masses upon masses of mobile phone lights and cigarette lighters. Even if you didn’t like the music… that effect was just AMAZING!!
I, unfortunately, had massive foot cramps the entire way through their set, which made me sad, and it hurt…A LOT. I hate cramps, especially in the arches of my feet. Also in the back of your legs…I only just got over the pain of having them the other night...

By 8:45 Simple Plan had finished, and the hot roadies were re-doing the stage. This break was a chance for Laura to get us more free water. Score again!
There were many appearances throughout the evening, one of the most memorable was the pale pink rabbit, mucking around on stage before Greenday started playing. The Rabbit proceeded to rile up the audience by skolling several bottles of beer, and then collapsing onto the ground while doing the YMCA.

At 9:05 the members of Greenday ran across the stage, before launching into the loudest, most rockin’ version of American Idiot. BJ was wearing tight black jeans, and man, I have never seen anyone look so good. Musicians are just so damn cool! Plus he was using a guitar that he must have had for ages. It was all old, with cool stickers, and BJ in gaffer tape across the front. The strap was also gaffer taped to the guitar, I’m not sure why, but I was impressed by this…

The guys, after 15 years are still having a great time, you can tell, its great. At one stage, Billie Joe came out wrapped in the Australian flag, which, as you can imagine, made the crowd go nuts! He then proceeded to get a MASSIVE SupaSoaker and squirt everyone on the left side. Then it was our turn, and, being at the front, we all got it right in the face! [Hence the title…]

One of the coolest parts of the show, was when BJ asked if anyone could play the drums…One guy yelled out, well, face it, most people did, but anyway this guy went up on stage and got on the drum set and started playing the song they were halfway through. A bass player and a guitarist were also picked to play the song, while the others sang. Lucky people!! Billie then made the bassist stage dive, it was so cool…but not quite as cool as what happened next… H called the guitarist guy back to the stage…and told him…
HE COULD KEEP THE GUITAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Be’s VERY jealous!!*
How Cool!!

During the night there was a Rabbit, a King, a Pirate and a Devil on the stage! Go dress-ups! Go being the last show of a tour where everyone mucks around!!

Also, because of where we were standing, we got to see all the people that had been pulled out of the crowd walk past. Most of the girls looked very much in pain and as though they were about to faint, there was actually a girl who had had parts pf her clothes TORN off her. Poor thing. There was this one guy though, who Nick and I noticed each time he went passed…we counted…he went passed ELEVEN times!!

The PYROTECHNICS!!! I almost didn’t write about the pyrotechnics!!!! Oh My God!! There were little firework like things after the third or so song, which was awesome. But then, after ‘Holiday’ in perfect timing, everyone felt this huge rush of heat. There was these MASSIVE flames, like 8 foot high from the middle of the stage. So cool. I love FIRE!!!!!

Cant think of anything else....

Rock On!


Blogger purple_sneakers said...

Ahem...Caitlin...Perhaps I have a sick mind, but uh...Um...the title of this entry seemed a little dirty...Any thoughts?

10:18 AM  
Blogger Caity said...

You ALL have sick minds... the lot of you :p

7:45 PM  

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