Location: Adelaide, S.A., Australia

Thursday, March 31, 2005

You're My Teenage Fantasy And I'm Your Punk Rock Girl, But You Left My Heart In The Garage Baby...

You know the great thing about blogging?... Even when you post like ages after an event, you can change the date, so it makes you look like you are fully up with the times... Not that I do this...

So, its been a week since my last confession... I mean post (even though according to my blog I posted on Monday evening...)

Nothing HUGELY exciting happened... I went back to Merc again as per every Wednesday, hung out with Jesskah and her cronies... got to see PAT!! :D
Speaking of Pat and the IB boys and girls, they have set up a blog to document the progress of their upcoming Theatre Arts performance which will take place in May. If you would like to read, you can find it at
  • Accidental Death Of An Anarchist

  • Um... thinking, thinking... Nothing else really... I am totally disturbed by the book I am reading at the moment. It's the one Emma bought me for my birthday... The Borgia Bride. The cover is awesome... well except the tag line thing... It reads "Incest. Poison. Betrayal. Three Wedding presents for The Borgia Bride" *cough* just got to the incest bit.... *shudder*

    On that note... no, wait I don't want to leave on that note.... That is a BAD note...
    Bugger, coz I really don't know what else to say...



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