Location: Adelaide, S.A., Australia

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

The Stars Will Cry The Blackest Tears Tonight...

The Anthem Of My Dying Days...

Today was a strange day...I think I am going to go so far and call it bad. It started out bad, what with being yelled at to get up by my mother, who I am currently barely speaking to. After making it to uni on time... just, I waited for my lecture to start... And then a piercing scream filled the lecture hall, and I mean piercing and it went for a good 20 seconds. After this, a girl three rows in front of me slid to the floor and started quivering. It was pretty scary. What surprised me though is what the lecturers did... or didn't do more to the point. I mean I know uni isn't the most CARING place in the world, but jeez, they just wandered on past this girl lying on the floor... looking like they couldn't care less.
Anyway after our lec started 10 minutes late, we finished early anyway, so Alex and I ate yum stuff and looked at the Poster Sale which is now located at my Uni... I bought a mini Che poster, it's very cool :D
At 12 we had a psych lecture which was a combination of interesting material, but a boring lecturer. But hey, I got to see Caitlin which was cool.
After I finished uni, more bad stuff happened, but meh, don't wanna go into that...
My head hurts and my brain hurts, and my eyes hurt.
Also, I was going to get all NERDlike and work, but you know, that didn't happen. Instead I think I will get up early in the morning and try to work then, since msn is obviously too much of a distraction, and I am not strong enough to resist it...
In which case I am now going to watch the Used dvd with my brother...

Keep the families of the latest US shooting in your prayers.

Night all

Luv Cait


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