Location: Adelaide, S.A., Australia

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Thoughts Of A Spazzy

> I've realised that recently I haven't allowed myself to appreciate new music, even when going to such efforts to acquire said music. This disappoints me immensely. Then I got to thinking, How often do we subconsciously stop ourselves from doing, saying or feeling certain things, such as happiness?
Is it because you get some sick pleasure from being or pretending to be miserable, is it because you have some sort of addiction to the sympathy you get from being 'depressed', or is it more to do with having a total reliance on other people to make you happy, and when they don't do what you want, you feel down and sad... Its quite pathetic really

** Disclaimer: This is not about me... except for the first part...

> Is it slightly ironic to see a close-to-anorexic looking girl carrying a bag full of Donut King boxes? I thought so.

This is an awesome picture of Amy Lee which was Photoshopped by Katya


And here is another cool picture done by a girl in Russia, that I found on deviantart:

Queen of Hearts

What else?

Went and saw Howl's Moving Castle last night. A very cool, but twisted movie.

This is the Moving Castle.

The idea of a moving castle with different doors and dimensions intrigues me. very awesome. I suggest you see this movie.

I'm going to bed.
Goodnight and Sweet Dreams to you :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha ha ha Cait that so rings true. Reminds me slightly of our rugby conversation for some reason......
It's em btw - just nopt blog to log into. : (
luv ya lotsly

5:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

awwwwww, someone stole my idea! i still so want to see howls moving castle as's so depressering that i haven't. and i know i say it way to often, but we really really need to catch up. sucks that i'm so cut off from you guys at the moment and too fucked up to do anything about it... oh well, 'sall good.
on with whatever..

6:37 PM  

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