Location: Adelaide, S.A., Australia

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Milk Bubble

Have you ever had one of those moments. When someone appears from your past, and you wish like anything that you look good, sound clever and witty, and come off just full of class...?

Yeah well, I didn't. In fact I came off like an idiot...

Let me paint you a picture... with words...
I was wearing bogan trackies, a black singlet and a brown top, old sneakers... my hair is wet and un-brushed, and I have this black headscarfe thing in it...
I'm at the newsagent... and here's the embarrassing part... reading a Girlfriend magazine... and before you all Shun and Excommunicate me... there was a reason for it... ANYWAY as I was standing there... this guy walked up the same isle... It was ALex... now this has no meaning to anyone except maybe Emma... but I went to primary school with this guy and he was my neighbour for a few year when I started highschool... We spent alot of time together, and he's really cool... But I haven't seen him in at least two years,.. Anyways, my mum then came up and said hello to him... while I had quietly replaced the Girlfriend magazine and picked up some other random music mag in the hope that I could ignore him and he would soon leave. Unfortunately nothing is ever easy for me! So after she had said hi, she then walked over to me and loudly claimed "Its that guy from Linden Park... What's his name?"... So I turned around and said "Hey Alex"... awkward conversation followed... he's had glandular fever and is planning to take next year off to spend four weeks living on a boat off the coast of Indonesia so he can surf... Ah go getting random facts about people...
Anyways, we left at the same time, which then meant that I had to get in the car with my 'cool as' L plates... while he got in his car... With his P's... Man I suck... It's worse coz he's YOUNGER than me... alot younger...

Oh well....

Btw Em - Still hot ;)

In other non-exciting news... Wait I'll start a new post...

EDIT: I have nothing interesting to say really. Both of this weekends' 18th's deserve a mention.
Soph's- Was very Pink!! Soph and Kim looked very cute indeed with matching but opposite ballet outfits :) Music was bearable, and it was a fun night. Unfortunately Juan didn't dye his hair pink, despite the 88 signatures I collected at the Unibar... do you know how many RANDOMS I spoke to!!! Peppy was outed, and I think Soph is very displeased... Well now you know!! :P
JAmes's - Was KOOL! I was greeted by a group standing in the middle of the road, we paused for a group photo, during which I was incessantly poked... Mike will DIE!! :p Went inside, listened to awesome music, played Pass the Parcel (hell yeah!), played Duck Duck Goose! and JAmes received a visit from his favourite person... Hire a Hubby! He even got his own 'Hire a Hubby' Shirt! Twas awesome.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey guys thanks heaps for coming on Friday!!! T'was good to see everyone again - did anyone hear Poppys idea - it involves Mr Gibson night time jazz music and the zoo!!
And to Peppy - i'd love to hate you but theres just too many of you - so it doesnt work!! BUt this does not mean i forgive any of you for this terrible crime you have commited!
Let me know if you;re interested in the zoo idea!
Love SOph

6:12 PM  
Blogger Caity said...

Hey Soph!
Thanks for throwing an awesome party :P

Pop's idea sounds awesome. I'm definately up for it
:D :D

10:43 PM  

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