But for interests sake... important happenings;
1. My exam... yes M.. is over... Thank god! I have holidays for a month! Happy face!
2. I am busy working on the dvd, which is making me happy! *Hopefully* I can get it done before Bodie moves out of his MANSION and stops Mansion-ificating.
3. I was in a car accident on Friday. It was scary. But no one was hurt. I will not be driving anymore, being in cars freaks me out.
4. I saw the Mercedes SACE yr 12 play on Thursday night with the usual suspects. It was very funny and fairly well executed. I found it hard though, knowing the drama class was split in two, ignoring the obvious tension.
5. Everyone has interesting blogs at the moments, I strongly suggest you check them out, by clicking on the sexy people above.
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