Location: Adelaide, S.A., Australia

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Smashy Smashy

Oooh, Last Night was fun. JP, RAF, and I headed over to Bodie's to chill out at the Mansion. We had pancakes for dinner (I had mine with ice-cream, Ice-Magic and Honey... Greatest thing EVER... RAF will agree...) Also I danced in the kitchen to Little Cutie by Machine Gun Fellatio, its the most dance-able song ever!!
--> If anyone has seen the very start of Ghost World, with Thora Birch dancing around her room in a red nightie, to that crazy 60's dance.... It was kind of like that...
And we ate popcorn while watching Lost in Translation and some crazy assed Jackie Chan Movie that involved these rich, bored kids, 'Cop-Haters' absolutely terrorising the police force and doing it in style! They had some nice Commedia del 'Arte inspired masks and all wore the same clothing the entire way through the movie... Oh and Jackie Chan was a drunk. hehe. PLUS we played some car game on the XBox, which involved smashing up JP's Astra with the number plate WITZ... hahaha witz. PLus the guys played Halo.
ALSO, there was massive Rain Coming, and so I went outside and danced in it... RAF thinks I'm crazy... and I probably am, but it was so cold and wet and the sky was this awesome purple grey colour and it was RAINING. [*cough* I think you all understand how much I love Rain by now...] So I went Rain Dancing :D
On my way back inside after Rain Dancing, my hand went Smashy Smashy on the back of Bodie's couch *tears* It hurt so much and I had an instant bruise :( Today it still hurts.

In other news... My mother has placed me under House Arrest... I am not allowed to see anyone... I must study apparently... Damn uni, it gets in the way of EVERYTHING

Your Locked Up Friend
--> Cait


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