Location: Adelaide, S.A., Australia

Monday, May 30, 2005

Suicide Notes And Butterfly Kisses...

Soo... haven't posted in a while... or it FEELS like a while... I guess a lot has happened... or not happened... by which I mean SLEEP has not happened... you may be interested in some stats...

At 7am this morning [Sunday] I had gone 47 hours without sleeping... This of course was entirely my doing, and by choice, not because I'm sick or mentally unstable (Though, lets face it, I probably am...)

I rose at 8 am Friday morning to go to Drama, which was great fun, mainly coz Tom is an idiot, but a hilarious idiot, and I was able to spend most of the three hours acting like a crazy girl :D After Drama I don't remember what happened, but I know I went to the bar at about 4pm. I hung out there for a while and left with Juan to go pick up Jess. Thanks go to Juan for his great navigational skills, cos the place Jesskah is staying at is bloody impossible to find!!! We found Jess and all travelled back to the bar where we promptly left for Soccer... Which, again, I don't remember much of... I remember going to Bodie's Bach pad and hanging out with everyone in the CINEMA ROOM :D and eating Pizza... Most of you were there, so I won't go into details... or if you REALY need to know, or wish to torture me by making me re-live the awkward-ness of some of that evening [morning]... then you can ask me on msn. I got home at 7am, and spoke to my mum for about half an hour, surprisingly she was cool with the late home thing, but that's probably because she knew the pain and suffering to be inflicted on me later in the day was going to be enough punishment...
I rose again at 7:45... that's right 15 minutes sleep... which shouldn't even be CALLED sleep... and I got ready for work. Coz I was in a hurry and didn't want to be late, I didn't pay that much attention to what clothes I was putting on. It was because of this that I ended up at work in only a light top... and it was FREEZING!!!! I'm so stupid!
Work was cold and painful... But I made lots of money...

Jenkinzzzzz party was last night out at Gepps Cross, which isn't all that far from me, so people should stop complaining!!!
Pool was played, as was much good music, and computer games *cough* G33333333K!!!! *cough*... Yeah I'm looking at you Ron! Speaking of Ronald, he was drunk at it was funny. He spilt his drink on my arm... which he licked off, kind of strange... and began to sport a sexy new hairstyle! :p The thing is, drunken-ness makes Ron really good at pool... except for when he breaks his pool cue.... Also, he does stupid stuff, like putting $5 notes up his nose and down his pants... in that order THANK GOD!

To Jenkinzzzz: I hope you had a good party, I had fun, and thanks for having us all around! :D

I got home at about 6 this morning, almost crashed the car about 4 times on the way home, and totally collapsed. I slept till 5pm, and totally missed daylight... I went out briefly tonight to the supermarket to get ice-cream and coke [Both totally essential]... and I ended up locking my keys in my car... Yeah my parents were very impressed...

and now, technically, it is monday, and somehow I feel like I have lost an entire weekend...

...And I am still tired.

BUT, NOt too tired to contain the excitement that comes with having tickets to The Taste Of Chaos Tour!!!!!! The Used, My Chemical Romance, Story of the Year, Funeral For A Friend... HERE I COME!!!!

No matter where you go
They'll fucking tie you down
And bleed you from your wrists
(bleed you from your wrists)
Well, it's better that we leave
Leave it this way (leave it this way)

And just to soften the blow
I'll steal all of your kisses (your kisses)
And sew them up
In the creases of our hearts.
--> Funeral For A Friend 'Kiss and Makeup'


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