Location: Adelaide, S.A., Australia

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Kel Was So Right When She Said...

The Drunken-ness Of ILLMo...

On friday afternoon, I made my way into the unibar to meet people and was greeted with the boys (Blackwood, Pool and Merc) playing poker with Tate's unfortunately skanky Ralph cards... We pretty much wasted time until having to leave for soccer at 6. This 'wasting time' included the following conversation between ILLmo and Tate

ILLmo- "I could go another 20 beers..."
Tate- "I dare ya..."
ILLmo- "Orright"

And so ILLmo proceeded to make his way through 20 beers, sadly only making it to 14 before us having to leave... It did however, make him very silly indeed. He tried to get everyone to hug him, but his biggest challenge was Tate-o, who just downright refused, and ended up yelling "Don't you f*^#!ing hug me!"
It seems ILLMo had a few bathroom issues upon arriving at the soccer... but they were soon sorted.
We watched the game... while ILLmo yelled obscenities at Ron the angry keeper... until we told him to shut up if he wanted to live... which apparently he does... Tate had to take shield behind anyone he could, and Tom and I bought Killer Pythons:D
The boys and girl lost the soccer game, and I'm starting to think that we are bad luck...
After that we drove back to the Central Markets so we could food. It was good... but mostly uneventful... ILLmo lost his card in the machine, and was sad, and Steph bought an awesome $10 jacket.
We walked late to the movies in the infamous Hindley St, where the Blackwood boys left us for the Crazy Horse, and we met up with Mo! :D

We bought tickets to the movie we had just missed the start of, and settled in to watch... and listen to ILLmo voice every thought in his head...
He claimed to see John Butler on the big screen... this is still hilarious, two days later...

We unfortunately, sue to being so late, did not get choice seating, and thus i had to sit behind this guy, who was huge, like took up three seats... and I couldnt see a thing...
The following is a conversation Steph and I had thru messages on our phones... while sitting two people away from each other...

Me- The dude in front of me is reminiscent of Buddha from Bride and Prejudice... Scary
Steph- ILLmo like sea horses... Great call BTW
M- ILLmo is PSYCHO. We shouldn't take him anywhere... Ever!
S- Buddha is gonna bash up ILLmo.
M- You are SO right. Ooh They are going to have The Sex!!
S- Who? ILLmo and Buddha??
M- Ha! Possibly... I was talking about the movie tho... Where'd you go?
S- Had to pee... First time today, in case you wanna know...
M- Uhh thanks... Buddha is getting all huffy... That chick has awesome eye make-up...
S- She does! Maybe Buddha is getting huffy cos he gets over-excited in the action scenes then has trouble breathing...
M- Hahahahaha! So True! Man, that leper guy is sexy...
S- Ooh yeah baby... I especially like his puffy red eyes, decorative mask, and neck bandages... it makes me all hot and bothered.
M- In all seriousness, the mask is cool, but that shiny ring on that mangled hand... Mmm I'm lovin it!
S- This movie is pretty damn boring... especially since that sexy leper died...
M- Oh Well... At least you can SEE!

(The last one almost killed ILLmo and Steph)

Upon leaving the movies, we entered the Australian Pizza house, and Steph and I tried our luck on the skill tester, and sadly got totally ripped off. We also sat in the car racing machine things and discussed the merits of not having to drive manual cars... I ate garlic bread, it was yum. And then we laughed some more at ILLmo, and then we left. The End.

On Saturday I had to work, it was fun I guess... Waiting for mum after work was not...

Anyways... That's about it...

<3 Cait

* Stay Tuned for the transformation of 'Patrick the Starfish' into "Emo-Goth Patrick The Starfish"


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