Location: Adelaide, S.A., Australia

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Gaze Into My Killing Jar...

Thurs: IB Play
Wow! I don’t think I have ever seen anything so excellent. And I know all of you think I am biased coz I love the IB boys and Girls, but still, this play was amazing. Steph and I were reduced to TEARS watching them break into Peter Garret style dancing in the middle of a scene. It made us laugh, with Pat’s menacing and desperate threats towards Heather, and Josh’s black eye and absolute frustration, as well as the entire groups insistence at calling Josh ‘Barge-Arse’ instead of ‘Bar-Gase’ as he claimed it to be… Ah the hilarity. The subtle slides naming John Howard and George Bush “Nutters” was … well … subtle. And when Ashwin, the FOOL pulled out the priest hat, I’m fairly sure Stephanie ended up on the floor. Seeing all my mateys from Merc was awesome :D

Friday: Soccer & Movie
It started out a bot messy but ended up ok. Thanks to Kel for some awesome car chat :P We went off to soccer at 7 and watched Ron’s comeback game. RAF starred for a short while and iLLmo and I had our own mini game. Mega Pythons were eaten and names discussed for Tate’s new soccer team.
We saw Hitchhikers (again!) and it was still good the second time… I think.
We completed our traditional Friday night with a stop at the Australian Pizza House where there was a Foozeball Showdown between iLLmo & Tate, and Steph and I… It was a very close game, with the boys winning by one goal. Your time will come boys, next time you are going down! :p
Also, more Peter Garret dancing was done, though none of us are as good as Shwin. I think its coz none of us are as lanky…except maybe Tate, but he was too cool to participate.

Sunday: Cleaning and Pool
I spent the day cleaning the garage, which was … uh… fun. It involved me dancing around to a lot of bad music, and rocking out to all the good music, so it was ok.
Juan came to my house at 6:30 and we drove down to Maz to meet all at the pool bar. I played three games, winning one by default (Jacob sunk the white after sinking the black) and got my butt thoroughly kicked by Ron… but, c’mon, he’s GOOD!
We went to HJ’s and I got attacked by Ron, Jenkinz and Juan AT THE SAME TIME!


Monday (after about 2am) was crap and boring and I remember little.

And now its Tuesday, wow I’m all caught up :D

And now here is the exciting part… no wait, it needs a new entry…


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