Location: Adelaide, S.A., Australia

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

My Life Is Becoming A Boring Pop Song, And Everyone Is Singing Along

Well, Friday was St Patties Day, and also SimonTheBaker's 23rd birthday. The girls decorated the bakery with balloons for him. Amusing. On Saturday I had to work, but after work, Juan and I met Nick, Nod and Ronnie at The Elephant in the city. We were later joined by Carla and umm Sarah (?), who had fun climbing all over Nod, and we were also joined by Albert The Random, and Tom Woodward. Ronnie, Juan and I soon moved on to Mojo to meet up with Simon and his buddies to celebrate Simon's 23rd birthday, which according to him, the 23rd is VERY important, like the 18th, 21st, 50th etc. DORK. Anyway, we got our asses beat by a total pool shark, which was fun and humiliating at the same time. At about 1:30 we moved on to the Casino, but alas, couldn't get in for Steph did not bring ID. So we caught a cab to her car, then drove back to the casino to drop Cholas off (by that stage, Nod had won about $400 playing poker), and then headed up to good old Brumby's to visit Nathan. We got free drinks and warm muffins, which is normal to me, but exciting for Juan and Steph, and we discussed many a thing, including whether or not it is possible to fit a person into the ovens. We headed off before 4am, and went home to pretend to sleep. Then I had to work at 6:30am. YUK!! Netball was at 8:50 and we thoroughly SUCKED ASS. We were like little Nemo, flopping around, just wanting to go home. It was terrible. There was the usual Maccas visit afterwards, and then homeski.

Yesterday was Juan and my 10 month anniversary. So we went to Marion to see Tristan and Isolde. It was between that and Lord of War, which I also want to see, so Juan and I resorted to the usual Paper, Scissor, Rock tournament. I won, so Tristan and Isolde it was. It is an ancient tale of two lovers, who can't be together because of their warring nations. Sound familiar? Yeah, it's like Romeo and Juliet, but it was around BEFORE, and is based in Ireland and Cornwall, England. Critics have slammed it apparently, but I really enjoyed it. Very pretty. Lots of pretty Gaelic and Celtic names. My name is Gaelic woo! It may sound like a fair girly movie, and from the romance point of view, it is, but there is also alot of violence and fighting for the boys! =P

That's about it.


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