Location: Adelaide, S.A., Australia

Thursday, November 09, 2006

So I've been having some pretty weird dreams lately. I don't know if it's the stress from exam prepration or waht, but its weird.
On Tuesday night I had a dream that Sally, Jo and I were abseiling, but it wasn't normal abseiling... we were abseiling across BUNK BEDS. But they weren't NORMAL bunkbeds... they were like 5 beds HIGH! It was super exciting.

And last night.. ow I had a cool dream and was going to blog about it this morning, but then blogger was down and now I've forgotten. Bloody Blogger...

Pretty Colours
Uni is fun and full of DISTRACTIONS

Hmm ,well if I remember my dream, I'll write about it. But for now, It's back to STUDY :(


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