My Trashy Life
On friday, last week, hopped in the car with my brother and dad for the foreverlong trip to Shepparton Victoria for my grandmother's 90th Birthday Shindig.
this involved us driving about, well I don't knwo in kilometres, but almost to Melbourne, coz DAD, not me, took a wrong turn. Yippee.
The Family gathering.
In the morning, I helped my aunty set up the big hall... My grandma had invited over 100 people. If I get to 90 and still know and like over 100 people, I will be doing well! I got to blow up all teh balloons, some of them were SO hard, coz they were a balloon inside a balloon and you have to blow up both at the same time!

We were to meet at 1:30 for family photos. So in true Marshall (yes, my family are Marshalls) form, we arrived at 1:45 and guest were arriving already. So no photos. I was put on the door with a stack of stickers with all the guests names, relation to my grandma and where they live on the sticker. When the biddies came in I had to ask them their names and slap a sticker on their bosom. It was weird, all these old people who "remember me from when i was this big..." and I had NO idea who these people are. Anyway, my cousin was the MC and introduced several people to speak including my brother and I. After that we handed out tiny tiny little sandwich fingers with the crust cut off, just what the oldies wanted. HOT.
Anyway, all the speeches got done, it was all fairly boring.
Then there was Sunday.
On Sunday we had all the family, auties and uncles and cousins etc over for lunch. 20 people (yes my entire family on my mum's side is 20 people) in a unit made for 3 at the max. Squeezy!
ANYWAY I got to meet my new baby second cousin. SO ADORABLE!

She's only two and a half weeks old! hehe.

Mother and baby.
This is very exciting for me, for the last 16 years my brother has been the youngest person in my entire family. BORING.
So that was Shepparton. Shepparton is home of SPC fruit *nods*
Taste of Chaos
I looked forward to this for so so long. The lineup looked like this:
with a heaps of local acts in between including Liability of My Own, Her Latest Flame and Blow Up Betty =]
Parkway Drive were shit. So so lame. Nick will agree. By this time, we were standing at the back of the mosh, which incidentally, is right at the front of of the circle pit. We got beat up! So we ran around the other side and were right in front of the side stage.
Senses Fail were very disappointing, they sound much better on cd than live, which is true for so many bands.
Underoath were much the same, disappointing sounding and not playing songs I liked, eg A Boy Brushed Red Living In Black and White, The Impact of Reason and Reinventing Your Exit. They were also just hobos. The lead guitarist had some cutoff denim shorts, tight, dirty t-shirt, Tom Hanks in Castaway kind of look. Whack.
LOMO were about next and were okay. I don't know any of their songs, so that didn't help.
I forget the order now, it's all a little hazy...
but Thursday were about here, and made me happy coz they pkayed Jet Black New Year, one of my favourite songs of all time, it is just really well written.
UM, Anti-Flag came next, and I was all "Oh crap, I don't know any of their songs..." BUT BUT BUT I DO =] yay for me. They prefaced Turncoat with "This song goes out to the WORST fucking President OF ALL TIME. Fuck You!" which got everyone all riled up and there was so much singing and Fuck you's it was awesome.
And I knew some of their other songs so rawk.
The Betties were either before or after AntiFlag... i think before actually, and they put on an excelent show. I was very very impressed. As I said to Nick, "I wanna be a Betty"... Steph!! BAND NOW!
Saosin were very impresseive on the side stage. I had only heard a few songs, all of which I liked alot and my brother had been raving about them for ages, so the expectation was high. But they were cool, and played some older songs as well as stuff off their brand spanking new album. Cove Reber (lead singer) has nice nice arms.
And then, Taking Back Sunday. It was like an orgasm in a gig. God I love Adam. The super sexy boys came on stage in suits and ohhh.....
Where was I?

hehe Fred is NOT that nerdy these days =]

ANYWAY, apart from Adam cracking the shits as some foldback/feedback issue at the start (he threw the mic stand at the massive stacked speakers, he's SO punk), they did awesome. When they played Cute without the e, it was like a massive singalong. SO COOL. and they played all my other favourites except Timberwolves. The girl in front of me was yelling "Play Timberwolves" but then, she was also yelling "Taking your clothes off Adam, you'll be more comfortable" AND "Fuck me Adam" so really, what would she know?
On TUESDAY, Juan and I went and saw Arj Barker at the Gov.He so funny. Lehmo did an opening gig, which basically consisted of him picking on people in the audience and talking about the bogans of Adelaide while yelling "mother fucker" alot. Pretty Lame. Arj was good though, he used a few old jokes, but mostly new ones which was good.
And we got to meet him afterwards. He had difficulty spellin both my name and Juan's name so we got an extra note; he wrote "I'm not drunk, just mental"
This girl pushed in infront of us, and was a total fan girl, and was like, "Can I buy you a beer? PLEASE!??" he was like, "okay, but just a small one... or I'll have an epileptic fit" God I hope he was joking.
Well that just about does everything, except one small thing.
Most of you know about the Jenny and Rebecca story, and I've received countless messages to see if I'm okay, which I am. I think the whole thing is stupid. If she's going to get hung up on bullshit that went on like 6 months ago, then that's her choice. For the record, I've had an apology so we'll take it from there.
Jenny, baby, I love you!!

And that does it.
Bye y'all.
P.S. Ronnie!! I hope you're feeling better!!!!MWAH
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