Location: Adelaide, S.A., Australia

Sunday, October 03, 2004

"Take these broken wings and learn to fly again, learn to be so free "

Goran from Law and Order Criminal Intent is a strange strange cookie. When he is trying to get information from someone he cocks his head to the side and gets this weird expression on his face....Not that I am watching tv or anything....La la la...

So rather than being pushed around, I’m going to push you over first, rather than being kicked around, I’m going to kick you to the curb, and rather than and trying to protect you, I’m going to cover my bases first and rather than trying to open my heart, I’m going to lock it with a key, so that only the special ones, can ever get through to me…

I am waiting for Em and Jay to come over....pffft but they are late...Oh I'm such a loner.
Oh I hear car doors...could it possibly be...? Wait a sec...
No, no it wasnt.

I should be studying...meh, I'm sure its overrated, and I'm also sure that when I fail I won't think the same thing but...meh, its only school right, its not going to define the rest of my life....oh...

Oh Titanic is on television...oh how know, I really never got that huge obsession with Leonardo Di Caprio thingy, I mean I dont even think he is good looking at all... "I'm flying Jack, I'm flying"...yerk indeed... Oh God...

This post was started TWO hours ago...and em and jay still arent here...tears
And its boring as well...I'm gunna cry...

Oh oh Shwin has joined the club and started a blog at check it out

Ok I really should go, I've been sitting here for three hours and my back is SORE!!!

A big hug to all the friends I have spoken to tonight




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