Location: Adelaide, S.A., Australia

Saturday, November 13, 2004

One To Go...

Yes Yes Yes, i have only one exam to go, and english paper on monday morning and thus i will be finished...yes FINISHED at 10:30 am!! oh i am so excited
Anyway, other than that, my only other exciting news is that i went to see the Year 8 Musical tonight of "In Your Dreams, A Midsummer Night's Musical".
All in all it was pretty painful, mainly becasue the majority of the kids cannot sing, and so the out of tune-ness along with their inept understanding of the fact that when you breathe heavily into a microphone it makes a distubingly similar noise to darth vader in the "Luke, I am your father" scene. There was some scary dancing as well, spirit fingers were seen in all their glory and would make 'Sparky Pulastri' very very proud. Having Lauren, Bianca, Rachael and Elaine sitting in front of us singing along and mimicking the dance moves while having their hair done up with a variety of instrumments including rolled up paper, and their faces painted also made the night amusing. Caruso was cracking her whip at interval and almost ripped our heads off...for standing...
We saw Coatezz at interval and he was all surprised that we had come and we were like "dude, we need a laugh" and so he said we shud have told him and he would have given us tickets...instead we wdere suckers and pain $10 to get in, what a rip off, the money wont even go to the drama department, it will go to some completely useless fund like and upgrade to the 'Museum' which i didnt even know the school HAD until this year when we accidently (couldnt be stuffed to take it back) stole a book from there... Damn drama department is falling to pieces...u call that a drama room? u cant see th freaking stage from the damn lighting box!!!! Oknow that feels better, venting is nice...though i wish i could vent more, sleepless nights are getting old.
OD told me to get drunk on my birthday and rock up to my last exam with a huge hangover...apparently this will be good for me :s so yeah my birthday is on sunday and i'm about as unexcited as you could get....pity that.
wow, it saturday, so my nirthday is actually tomorrow....woop.
i have a drink bottle next to me, and i swear there is somethin wrong with me, i am physically unable to drink from it without being unco and spilling it all down my front, oh yeah i am mthe epitomy of class...actually that is something jo said about herself wait that was about bad.
I dont really think that i have anything more to say are coming i promise, also hopefully there wil be schoolies updates, god i cannot wait to get down there,..
Anyway I should go...

Luv & Hate



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