Location: Adelaide, S.A., Australia

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

"What? This My Snoop Dizzle Look"

Hahaha greatest line ever!
Today was like the weirdest day, If I told you the start you would think I'm lazy, but if I told you the end, you would think I am hardcore. Unless you are Jenkins, in which case, you think I am hardcore, ALL THE TIME, even when I watch A Cinderella Story WITH THE COMMENTARY. Yeah, I'm sad. BUT yeah, today I slept until about 2pm, at which time I got up, had a shower, and then went to the gym. I got a new schedule thingy today, WAY more weights. I think she is trying to kill me. But still, its fun. Haha I'm so hardcore for thinking the gym is fun. But I like it. After the gym I can home and cooked dinner, and then Angus and I went bowling. I SUCK so so bad. My first 4 balls, I MISSED EVERYTHING. Oh and there was this total lamer from a bowling league in the lane next to me who was a total ASS. Grr. Anyway Angus kicked my butt both games. *Hangs head in shame*

We lost netball last night, like 17 to 9. Which is a big improvement on the usual. So I'm impressed. I should be able to play next week so that'll be cool.

Tomorrow I'm probably going down to Port Elliot with mum. Should be good. I really like it down there, its so pretty and peaceful. And the shops are really eclectic.

I don't really have much else to say.

I'm probably doing the wrong thing by putting this here, and I'm not even sure if this person reads this anymore, but;
Requiem, you know who you are, and I'm really really sorry. I never meant to make you feel like that, I really didn't...



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