Location: Adelaide, S.A., Australia

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

We Don't Need Rest, We'll Sleep When We're Dead

Greatest line ever. Plus, this last week has pretty much been like that. It's what happens when I spend prolonged amounts of time with Ronnie. Still, I've had fun. I finally feel like I'm on holidays, I'm going out more than I'm working and its good. Though I am working ALOT. I worked today in fact, but Simon was there and he's fun. There was no nutmeg throwing this time though, which was excellent. Haha, at one stage, there was five of us there, Simon, Me and Sam, plus Kat whom we are training, and then Laura came in to visit. Laura went to buy hot chips and pasta salad, as you do, so we all had lunch while doing NO work. It was great. Its too fxcking hot to be in a bakery on a 37 degree day!

What else? Oh, one more bakery story and then I'll stop, I promise. Mick, the old baker, who tells us all lurid details of his sex life (ewwwwwwww) apparently told Sam that the reason I'm so moody at work is because The Boy is away and I'm not getting any lovin'. Plus he doesn't like me anymore. God, I don't laugh at one of his lame puns and suddenly I'm a moody sex-starved nymphomaniac who should be avoided like the plague. What a prat.

And now, I'm bored.

I shall post again soon. I miss my blog, I just have nothing interesting to say =p



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