
So, I promised Cholas that I would post my dream on here, but due to many reasons, okay two, I didn't get to. The two reasons being that our phoneline was stuffed, therefore no internet, and me being sick with gastro. Yep, on Wednesday, it was like 'A new colour comes out fo Caitlin's mouth, every 10 minutes' I puked in technicoulour. I couldn't even keep down water and panadol.
SO, back to my dream. There was a large group of us, all on our way to Tom's 21st (like real life) EXCEPT that instead of heading to the mighty comfy Saracen's Head, we had to trek up a large mountain, to a forest. Rock on to the Woodward's for living in a forest on top of a mountain. Anyway, so we got to the top, and the party started, and it was all great fun. But THEN, the bathroom door swung open and Mike Henry was beating up Cholas. Then Cholas ran away screaming (Yo, Nick, you were wearing a light blue jumper...do you HAVE one of those? Just checking...) So Juan, Steph, Kelly, Simon and I went running after Cholas, so we could make sure he was okay.
I choose now to interject that I have a lot of dreams in the same places. So the next 'scene' if you will, of my dream, takes place in a place i have dreamt of before. Its like a big oval, high up on a mountain, surrounded by lush gardens on several levels. Its hard to describe, but its very pretty and peaceful. The gardens form a sort of semi circle around the oval, so you can sit on garden benches in the gardens and look down at the oval./Explanation

Back to my dream, we eventually found Cholas, sitting on a garden bench, and we tried to sneak up to him, but someone made a noise, and then he ended up seeing us, and off he took again. So we ran after him again, round a corner, and ended up in a cave, where Nick had joined a line of people in loin cloths and body paint and SPEARS! Nick shook his spear at us angrily, so we retreated and left him alone.
I think there was more to that dream, but now I can't remember. So yeah.
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