Location: Adelaide, S.A., Australia

Sunday, May 21, 2006

endless requiem

Yesterday was a day of very mixed emotions.

It was The Boy and my 1 year anniversary. I love him more and more every day.

The Boy and Me

And then way down the other end of the emotion scale...
How would you feel if, your parents were away on an overseas holiday, you, living with friends, check round at the family home every few days, make sure your two brothers are okay, and everything is going smoothly. On Tuesday, you get a call, your younger brother is missing, he didn't come home from the gig the night before. Skip forward to Friday, little brother still missing, and you go into the shed... to find him hanging from the rafters...

This happened to a friend of mine.

He was the same age as my baby brother, same music tastes, same friends. And everyone is asking why?

Rest In Peace Abe.

I hope your pain has ceased.


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