Location: Adelaide, S.A., Australia

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Sick Sad Little World

Except today it was more like, Huge Scary Complicated World...

Yes today I ventured all the way down the street and across the road to the institution I will probably refer to as home for the next three to six years - wow it sounds like I'm talking about a mental home - however I am, of course referring to Uni. Its a scary place with lots and lots of builings with letters for names - A Block for example.
Anyway, it looks like a pretty cool place, and has Thirsty Merc playing at the Disorientation gig, which is pretty cool.
I think I will like it there though, plus I'll have Steph around to let me know what's going on!

Today was a day of IRONY...

Hehe, my MSN name is 'Malice In Wonderland' - is there anything cooler?

Anyways, should go, gotta get up early in the morn and go back to school (as in Merc) to collect my yearbook, unfortunately there is a damn big picture of me in it, which is rather hideous, I'll post it when I get it tomorrow.




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