Location: Adelaide, S.A., Australia

Monday, February 14, 2005

Oh Shit!

Yes well, that's enough on that subject!

Today today today. Today was FUN.
It started out as a day with many confusing and fragile plans. I was dropped into town by my lovely Maman at about 12:30 at which time i bought new socks! And phone credit. I shouldnt mention those things because they are of little interest to anyone else, and certainly do not rate in the highlights of today...but I digress

Mia came in and met me at 2:30 and saved me from boredom and we ate rice crackery thingys until Jo and Ali and Bodie finally decided to front. We took Ali off to school, though she was late, and then wandered over to the Adelaide Unibar for pool. Well I didnt actually participate in any of the pooling, but me and Mia watched some pretty awesome shots! Mia decorated Raf's phone cover which was, up until then, decorated with...wait for it...WHITE SCRAP PAPER!!! As you can imagine, Mia the artiste found this highly insulting, and made him pull his phone apart so she could decorate the paper with green texta. The Pool Boys (That general name totally makes them sound like the kinky Latin boys who clean the pool...but they arent...I dont think...) are funny guys, today there was Ron, Raf (who was looking goooood in his sexy bandages, come push up bra), Tate, who is a cool guy who likes Greenday :), and Jenkins of course, and two other guys, I think Alex is one of them, I think he came to something else...and the other guy I didnt know.

After leaving pool, we walked over to the bus stop fully beliveing that we had missed our bus...but we hadnt so that was good. Prior to this we had talked to Steph about picking us up from the bottom of the hill to Jo's and driving us up there, coz we are utter lazy bums, but she had said she couldnt, so we had resigned ourselves to the fact that we would have to walk up Delamere in the 37 degree heat. When we got off the bus, Mia and I were doing the whole "wouldnt it be great if..." scenarios. eg. "Wouldnt it be great if there was a chair lift"
"Wouldnt it be great if Steph was waiting for us...which she is!!!!!"
So BIG WONDERFUL shoutouts to Steph, who saved us that long and treacherous journey!!

Once at Jo's we watched some seriously terrible tv in the form of some show on ABC kids about kids at a school for performers...the kids have terrible acting ability, and performing skills in general, as well as their accents. but it all made for interesting entertainment. Angus, and Juan and Andrew arrived and we went swimming in the freezing pool then spent until dark in the spa. It was fun. Steph and I spent hours making stupid faces at each other, its stuff like that, being stupid and immature, and not caring, that makes life good. I have to mention also, once more, Jo's gorgeous pets, they are so so cute!!

ANYWAYS, Steph and I left Jo's, I dont know, after 10 and went down to KFC at Mitcham, to find it was closed, how tragic, so instead we got Hungry Jacks. We road tripped it to my house, but found that by then, we had both run out of drink, and our chips were we dropped into Maccas and bought more chips and more drink. The hilarious thing is, it went like this:-
McDonalds Chick: Hi! How can I help you?
Steph: Hi, can I please have a large fries and *shakes Hungry Jacks empty drink container with label facing OUT* my Hungry Jacks drink seems to have run out, can I get a small McDonalds drink?
MC: thats a large fries and a small Coke. Drive thru to the next window
MC2: Your uh drink? *stares at Steph sucking obnoxiously on her HJ's drink*...and your fries...
Steph: *sweetly* Thankyou!.....bitch (actually the bitch came after we drove away..but its funnier this way...)

Well I thought this interaction was bloody hilarious.
Steph will probably tell it better on her NEW blog, which you can read at your viewing pleasure at Go, visit, you'll like it!

I think thats about it for tonight, my mother is sufficiently mad at me, I am sufficiently confused, and not liking the fact that I have a functioning brain which likes to think.

Speaking of brains...or lack of (joking!!) Ron has also set up a blog. You can find him at, he'll be there all week...and hopefully longer as well!

'You've done everything right...Don't you know how much trouble you'll get into?'...Damn you


Blogger bodie said...

Caitlin! Most annoyed with you! "The Pool Guys", and I don't even get a mention!! Meh. Ignomity strikes us all...
...oh, and the Asian-type guy at pool was Andrew Tieu. I have NO IDEA who the other guy was, he just randomly appeared, and I suppose he knows Jenkins

2:37 AM  

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