Location: Adelaide, S.A., Australia

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Thoughts Of A Spazzy

> I've realised that recently I haven't allowed myself to appreciate new music, even when going to such efforts to acquire said music. This disappoints me immensely. Then I got to thinking, How often do we subconsciously stop ourselves from doing, saying or feeling certain things, such as happiness?
Is it because you get some sick pleasure from being or pretending to be miserable, is it because you have some sort of addiction to the sympathy you get from being 'depressed', or is it more to do with having a total reliance on other people to make you happy, and when they don't do what you want, you feel down and sad... Its quite pathetic really

** Disclaimer: This is not about me... except for the first part...

> Is it slightly ironic to see a close-to-anorexic looking girl carrying a bag full of Donut King boxes? I thought so.

This is an awesome picture of Amy Lee which was Photoshopped by Katya


And here is another cool picture done by a girl in Russia, that I found on deviantart:

Queen of Hearts

What else?

Went and saw Howl's Moving Castle last night. A very cool, but twisted movie.

This is the Moving Castle.

The idea of a moving castle with different doors and dimensions intrigues me. very awesome. I suggest you see this movie.

I'm going to bed.
Goodnight and Sweet Dreams to you :)

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Take Take Everything

I have a feeling that I should post... I have a proper researched post in the works...

Thinking of wasting the afternoon away... SEEYA!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

You're Such A Sucker For A Sweet Talker... SUCKER!

I hate that HE can make her cry, that he can make her feel so happy and so sad within a split second.
I hate that SHE fucks people around without any shred of evidence of feeling
I hate that I am still not over what happened then, and that SHE seems to be entirely unaffected
I hate that HE could turn out so bad, and that I was deluded for so long
I hate that HE is involved at all because He is not a nice person
I hate that SHE is never around to feel the pain everyone else feels because SHE's a wimp, and in hiding
I hate that SHE beat me in going through this, just like she always does, its not supposed to be a competition, but somehow it is...
I hate that HE makes me want to kill and kiss him at the same time
I hate that SHE is a hypocrite, yet know I am also
I hate that SHE thinks she's in control when she's really not
I hate that HE gets on his high horse and wont get the fuck off
I hate that a person can be treated like shit and then called 'sweetheart' 2 seconds later

I just hate...

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

This Blog Sucks Uber Ass

Here Is A Post

Congratulations Caitlin

(it took me three tries to write my name)

Time to stab something with a fork...

You know how there are some people you want to hack to death with a fork? Yeah that'd be nice...

People Suck

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Whatever I Feel Like... GOSH!!

Today, I realised that my blog is just over a year old! How amazing.

I was speaking about it with Ronnie, she suggested I place a party hat on top of my computer and take a photo... I didn't and won't, but it was sweet of her to mention it. So yeah, Happy Birthday to my sweet blog. Hopefully during the holidays I will have some time to revamp it a little.

Today, uni was fun. We got to watch Marat/Sade in our drama lecture, which is ALWAYS good, and then Ronnie and I had our usual 4 hour break, during which we were joined by Alex, Nick, Tom and JP. Nick is WAY disturbing and poor Alex has heaps of work due... Good Luck!!

Anyways, I'm going out now, but hopefully I'll post soon...


Thursday, September 08, 2005

Some Friends Become Enemies, Some Friends Become Your Family...

I just had one of those perfect moments.

I'm sitting at the dining room table trying to write my essay about 'healthy social and emotional development in children focussing on the early years birth to 5years'. Falling by Missy Higgins is playing and everything suddenly went quiet and a soft breeze came through the door and lingered around me for a second. It just felt perfect. Calm and quiet and beautiful.

My thoughts go out to Jojo, hun I love you and I hope you're ok. *Big Hugs*


Wednesday, September 07, 2005


Kettle's whistling through my brain
Sound to drive me I N S A N E
Cause it's a journey just to turn the kettle off
Billion years ago i'd had E N O U G H

Now i'm too young to D I E
And too O L D to C R Y
I'm too young to die
Too young to die

Man, I feel shitty. I thought I was over this sickness thing, apparently not.
And I have an essay to write, I've barely started and I can't really breathe.
I'm tired and irritable and probably shouldn't be around people right now.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Gar is my favourite new word

Gar. Fights with the family are un fun. Thought you should all know.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Helloooooooooooooooooow [My Brother Is A Classic]

Well, again it seems I have lost the knack for blogging, mainly due to the fact that I am always busy, and when I'm not busy I'm asleep or don't have access to my computer.

This is what Cait has been up to...
Thursday Night

Juan and I went to Libby's leaving party at the unit she lives in with her boyfriend Logan. It started out pretty quietly until Kira and Sian finished their 'Whatever The Hell Logan Could Find' cocktails, and Billie arrived with 70's and 80's records. Everyone got muchly drunk, and it was cool to see Simon and Nathan (the baker and apprentice baker, respectively) out of their sexy whites. Tequila shots were taken on the floor and Libby, Billie and someone else had fun throwing it all back up later. Ick. Simon stayed til midnight and had 1 1/2 hours sleep before starting at the bakery at 3.

Friday ... Day
I joined Simon or Simey as we like to annoy him, at 6:30 and we did ok, despite the lack of sleep. Both Nathan and Billie came to visit, both looking worse for wear, Nathan only wanting a muffin and then to go home. I finished workies at 1:30 and did some stuff until heading into the bar at around 4ish. I played Poker with an assortment of people, and doubled what I started with, before losing most of it to Ali in a hand we were both bluffing, she just had better jack shit than I did!

Friday... Night
Tate-O's Birthday! We started at the bar before migrating to The Exeter in Rundle Street. I spent most of this time sitting on the ground outside talking to Mia about her Bitch, and with Kel about many an issue. Raf and Juan joined us as well as Jenkinz who asked why these girls were rather dressed up. They were rather rude back. Jenkinz, Juan and I trekked up to Maccas because we were classy HUNGRY people. Steph met us there and we wandered over to Shotz. We were massively unimpressed by the $3 Cover Fee at Shotz and thus Kel came and payed for us. Shotz, according to Steph's Emo-Methodist friend Mark, is the biggest 'sleaze-hole' in Adelaide. For the short amount of time that I was there, it was ok, it was raining and we were outside and it was pretty. Apparently I missed all the 'excitement' but I had to retrieve my brother from a concert. Home to bed it was for me.

Involved doing some uninteresting stuff for most of the day. I made Vodka Jelly Shots for Bodie's party later on in the evening. Juan came and we made our way to Bodie's. It was pretty fun. You can see his site for what he saw. I had many a good discussion with Kel about all kinds of things, we crossed many boundaries by being locked in a bathroom together with Juan as well, and then with Raf later on in the evening. This may seem semi normal, except for the fact that each time, at least one person peed. Its ok, there was not view-age, we hid in the shower. Wow, Bodie must be weirded by this... We played poker and had jelly shots. And lots of other stuff. The mysterious Lotte was met, and even Kraukus Tom and Phil came! Man, I do not get to see enough of Phil, I wish he was around more.
I got home at about 4am and barely slept, before getting up for work at 5:44am

Caitlin + No Sleep + Hangover + Work = YUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUK!!
Gar it was so painful. Firstly the bread slicer DID NOT WORK and so there was no slicing of bread until Dave came and fixed it. Also, the Prover (The thing that the dough goes into to make it rise quickly), CAUGHT ON FIRE!!!! It started sparking and I was all "Uhh Nathan... The prover is sparking" and then he opened it and theres huge flames! ... But UNexcitement, it was only a bit of dough burning. DAMN. I came home afterwards and went back to bed for a couple of hours and then got up. Juan and I went and got Chinese so we could have a nice family dinner for Fathers Day. YUM! Afterwards we played cards. Euchre and Poker :D

I had to be at work at 6:30 this morning and it was BAD. I was tired and grumpy and there was WAY too much sharing in the bakery today. Ewwwwww

I have some photos to post too, but right now I can't be stuffed, so that will come later. I hope you enjoyed this post.

Listening To: Helena by My Chemical Romance
Don't Cha by The Pussycat Dolls
Noise and Kisses by The Used
