Location: Adelaide, S.A., Australia

Friday, October 29, 2004

Since I have absolutely no time to post, because of the looming exam (argh!!!!)...I will just put up a few things I have been thinking or hearing recently....I have been writing these down elsewhere and now they go into this post. Some are things i have written, others are lyrics or whatever.
i promise a good post soon....after the 15th, my last exam, and also pics from Graduation Day...Muck Up Day etc....

I’ve never been so lost, I’ve never felt so much at home, I’m going to write my folks and throw away my keys, I woke up in a car. – Something Corporate ‘I Woke Up In A Car’

Looking through the ether
And all I see is me
Lonely and alone
Forever and a day

My bodies broken, yours is bent.
Sucker love I always find someone to bruise and leave behind.
Pucker up for heavens sake, there’s never been so much at stake I serve my head up on a plate its only comfort calling late. Every me and every you.

These days it’s necessary to be a contortionist. How else can you keep your chin up, your shoulder to the wheel, both feet on the ground and your nose to the grindstone?

Hostile talk
Over so fast
Shouldn’t happen
But it does
Why at this point
Must it be
It’s unnecessary

These paper aeroplanes, my makeshift wings, until you return…

Do you ever feel as through you are subconsciously being cut off from the rest of the world. Its little things like your questions going unheard and unanswered, your screams muffled by the pillows and the sound of the air conditioner, your life, slowly slipping away…

So close, no matter how far
Couldn’t be much more from the heart
Forever trust in who we are
And nothing else matters

I remember
Stormy weather
The way the sky looks when its cold

Typing is funny I should be so much better at it than I am but oh well, I wish I could go on the internet and blog but un fortunately I must do this fucking drama assignment that I will not be ready for by tomorrow morning no matter what I do. The fact that I am messing around and not doing work has nothing to do with it. Uh huh.

It’s not the mountains we conquer, but ourselves

I could fly away, and I could be no one

Violins – Yellow card

I am just another fool
And I have to keep telling myself that
I am just a Hypocrite
And I have to keep calling you one
And I forgot to bite my tongue
And my assumption
Was the mother of all mistakes
So I assume the role
Open my mouth
And clumsy words escape

I bring out the worst in you
And you try and let me know
You bring out the worst in me
Anxiety, anxiety
I’m trying to let u go
You say I’m giving u the creeps
So I assume the role
Open my claws and grab for your heart
How are you? How have you been?
Girl I miss you
Wanna see you again
So I don’t
Wanna be there
When you could be here
You are slipping away

Erase and rewind, coz I’ve been changing my mind.

Many people unconsciously make their lives busy in order to hide from or avoid who they really are, who they are inside.

If you make me, I will bleed the truth
Coz what I want is not to hurt
To feel the pain you put me through

Why do people continuously twist your words around until they can accuse you of saying something that you blatantly didn’t. It is so frustrating. And now I feel like not working just to spite her. But then I guess that would only damage me…and not her.

Good Luck to everyone attempting exams!!

Luv Always,

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

well i have about 30 seconds to make this post so here goes...
you know what shits me? people who get to go backstage at awesome concerts and then stand there looking entirely unimpressed, like they would rather be ANYWHERE else than where they are...grrr if they dont want to bloody be there...then dont go!! they look so stupid.

Back at school, has so far been a non event, cannot WAIT for this all to be over...

hotmail should die...its on my list..

yeah, im going before anyone else ends up on my list...

ITS RAINING!!! very very excellent.

sorry for such a shitty post



Thursday, October 07, 2004

Today was just a depressing day, we had maths from 9:30 til 12:30 this morning, and then this afternoon I got told that I have no rights. Yeah that was pretty depressing. I think that is all I have to say. Today was just bad.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

What's the deal? I mean really, i know that Port won the football grand finals and hooray for them, but why, when its really really hot, and waiting for a bus, must i see a plethora of buses driving past with PORT POWER written on the display...IT WAS OVER A WEEK AGO!!!!....God how I loathe living in such a football orientated city.

In other news, well there isnt really any. This blog is a waste of time, I'm sorry for subjecting you to this.


Sunday, October 03, 2004

"Take these broken wings and learn to fly again, learn to be so free "

Goran from Law and Order Criminal Intent is a strange strange cookie. When he is trying to get information from someone he cocks his head to the side and gets this weird expression on his face....Not that I am watching tv or anything....La la la...

So rather than being pushed around, I’m going to push you over first, rather than being kicked around, I’m going to kick you to the curb, and rather than and trying to protect you, I’m going to cover my bases first and rather than trying to open my heart, I’m going to lock it with a key, so that only the special ones, can ever get through to me…

I am waiting for Em and Jay to come over....pffft but they are late...Oh I'm such a loner.
Oh I hear car doors...could it possibly be...? Wait a sec...
No, no it wasnt.

I should be studying...meh, I'm sure its overrated, and I'm also sure that when I fail I won't think the same thing but...meh, its only school right, its not going to define the rest of my life....oh...

Oh Titanic is on television...oh how know, I really never got that huge obsession with Leonardo Di Caprio thingy, I mean I dont even think he is good looking at all... "I'm flying Jack, I'm flying"...yerk indeed... Oh God...

This post was started TWO hours ago...and em and jay still arent here...tears
And its boring as well...I'm gunna cry...

Oh oh Shwin has joined the club and started a blog at check it out

Ok I really should go, I've been sitting here for three hours and my back is SORE!!!

A big hug to all the friends I have spoken to tonight



I Have A Secret I Can't Tell, And I Can Keep It Very Well....

My brother learned that when he was young, he used to prance around singing it at me in the vain hope that I would ake him what the secret was, it never worked.
However, my secret will be kept.

I think I am in need of a new playlist and then I really should do some work, however I'm really not in the mood, hence the many blogs today and I'm certain there will be more.

Also can I just say I was muchly impressed by Phil's choice of and taste in music the other night. Not only did he rock on to Jimmy Eat World and Seether, he also loves Bowling For Soup!! However it wasnt the same story for his friend Tim(?) who's into dance music and needed us to teach him how to dance to rockin' music....>sigh<

Running out of computer battery and should get off the net.


"Oh No I Said Too Much...I Havent Said Enough..."

I Am Alone!!!! Oh the joys of the parentals and siblings leaving for a few another state!!! i can safely say I could so live alone and have no problem.

Its Sunday morning, im on the net, watching R.E.M. on the tv, I'm telling u this is the life.
EmO's shindig on Friday was good, though i doubt she remembers too much of it, there wre many a stackage both up AND down stairs. It was an interesting night to say in the least, I think that is all I will say...
I'm sure my parents were really pleased with me as i crawled in the front door at just before 4am. Probably as pleased as I was to wake at 8 to have an injection by an incompetant nurse and then to continue on to work, oh the pain, ha but I survived.

When someone asks you how you are, and not wanting to disappoint you reply "I'm fine" they then proceed to say "Good girl", 'right answer, at least I dont have to deal with it kind of style', oh how I find that excellent.

I Am Surrounded By Liars, Players In A Game...

Thanks to Poppy, Andrew, Jo and Steph for your plethora of escape routes!
