Location: Adelaide, S.A., Australia

Thursday, December 30, 2004

The Phantom Of The Opera Is There...

Yes, I have now seen the Phantom of the Opera, one of the best movies I have seen. Visually it is extraordinary, the costumes and the set are just amazing. My favourite part was the 'Masquerade' song with all the black and white costume and the entrance of the Phantom in his crimson red cloak, absolutely awesome, i highly reccommend it - Although, if you're like me and dont want to go to the movies alone, I suggest you take/go with someone who likes music, and doesnt mind listening, unlike going with Mia who, everytime they started to sing again screamed
"Oh no, they are singing again, Cait, why are they singing?"
Me - "Because its a mucical, thats what they do..."
Mia - "But...again?"
Me - *Blank, withering stare*
Mia - "It feels like thousands of pins piercing my brain!"
Me - "Nob"
Mia - "Shh, not my fault, i have 'sensitive ears'!!!"

As you can see, this kind of hindered my enjoyment of the film.

Luv Cait

Wednesday, December 29, 2004


Year 11 and 12 IB results come out on tuesday - my mother happily reminded me of this...whereas I had managed to push the thought of this to the furtherest part of my mind.... and after this post, those thoughts are going back there.... where I can say I really dont care about the outcome...because I dont

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

In Advance...

A big Merry Christmas to everyone, I hope you all have an enjoyable day, and that Santa Claus is very kind!

I'm going away - hip hip hoorah, 9 hours in a car on a 40 degree day with my family! Oh how I love Christmas.

And right now, I'm cold and in a bad mood, I'm so sore, and wow I do a lot of complaining!

I should go and pack....or sleep...sleeeeeeeep.....

ok Im going
Have a good one

luv Cait

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Today, Today, Today....
Ok this isnt fair, a few seconds ago, I totally had something to blog about....And then while waiting for the page to load...I forgot!!!
Yep its completely gone, I'm sorry....
Maybe if I sit here for long enough, it will come back to me....
Well while we are waiting, a big congratualtions to all the SACiEs who got results back on thursday. from what I have heard, most of you did really well! It also seems that 92.3 was a popular score to get.
I dont know if I can deal with getting mmy results back, I keep getting told that I'll make people proud no matter what, and that its not the end of world, but...well it doesnt help, I'm actually terrified. [And if anyone responds to this and says I'll be fine, I WILL KILL YOU - I dont want to be told that, let me wallow in my negative-ness]
Wallow is a stupid word
This post sucks, I'm going to stop
Tomorrow night I'm going to the Carols in the Park, maybe I will have fun tales to tell from that...

Luv Cait

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Its weird, right now the sky looks red, its so light. "Its all to do with perception"
Anyways I was going to rant about angry Christmas shoppers - why do they get so aggressive this time of the year, its only Chrismas...and you know what, the world isnt going to end if you dont buy that last box of mince pies (ew ew ew) at half price, so back off!!!
Also a little kid in the supermarket had obvioulsy been placated with his mothers things, one of which was her credit card....interesting as this i passed the drooling child and his mother, he proceeded to hand the credit card to me, of course i didnt take it - that would be wrong - but think of how easy that would be...
But seeing as I'm not talking about all of that stuff.... The sky is so awesome, most often it looks purple, which reminds me of Imaginary by Evanescence, but then I feel sad that i acn't look out the window and see the millions of billions of stars light years away. I like stars.

I think I will go to bed, and fall asleep watching the beautiful red sky.

Luv Cait

Saturday, December 11, 2004

I Hate Myself


Well I just got back from Rachel’s 18th. Both my parents and my brother think I have been smoking weed – yeah, they think I am a dope-smoking ho’. How sad, though rather amusing coz I’m such a good girl. Anyway, for everyone’s clarification – I Have Not Been Smoking. Anything.

How is it possible that you can be so exhausted, yet when you climb into bed, you cannot fall asleep (thus the reason for me blogging) – I mean I know it is possible, because I have been this way many a time in my short life, but WHY is this so?

I’m feeling weird, I cant quite put a word to what it is, just that its fairly sucky. Right now I am sitting in my room, in the dark typing this and listening to a song that gives me the chills, its so perfect. Also the song is a live version, which makes it twice as good.

“All the little pieces fallen, shattered
Shards of me, too sharp to put back together…

Now you the know the difference
Between my self and my reflection
I just cant help but to wonder
Which of us do you love…?”

I’m looking out the window, and its different, normally I see the sky as a curious shade of purple, however tonight I see only darkness, its black, or at least really dark blue. Which leads me to the question – Why do things have to change? I mean o know why,, but it would make life easier if you cou;d remember one moment when something, or everything was almost perfect, and then that would be it, nothing would change. Though I’m sure that people who have lead actual lives, with real pain, and heartbreak and poverty wish for change every waking moment, and for them change is a blessing. So I guess that this is just a middle class western girl whining about nothing… though it doesn’t feel like nothing to me…

My computer is hot. Not as in sexy (though it is pretty darn good looking – damn the apple people for their stylistic talents), but hot as in heatwise… is that because I never turn it off? Yeah, so anyway that’s my cue for leaving

RANDOM THOUGHT: the dark is my favourite place to be
CURRENT MUSIC: The World Is Black – Good Charlotte (The Happy Song!!)
CURRENT MOOD: indescribable

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Boulevard Of Broken Dreams

Well today was an interesting one, I spent the morning reading my book about a young Midwife in Europe in the 1600's, until it was time for me to go to work. When I walked in, however, the place was in darkness, the only light coming through the small front window, and from several pillar candles along the counter. Though it sounds totally weird I felt like I was in a timewarp, no electricity, and when I went around the back there was that smell, kind of putrid, the smell of rain mixed with rubbish mixed with plants. Anyway, the power was out in our shop and a couple of other close by, including the local cafe - a lot of stressed, caffeine needing people, with the cafe not being able to provide was fun - it seems the inner person comes out, bitchin' indeed. At least the people I had always perceived as good and kind people remained the same.
The power finally came back on at about 3:30 and we were faced with music and light for the first time all day, and I can tell you I dont think I have ever been more pleased to hear Alicia Keys singing 'Fallin' - sad as it is - there was dancing.
This bliss however was not to last... the generator that ETSA plunked in the laneway conked out before 5 so the last half hour of trading was barely worth it.
Also, there needs to be a bitch about Telstra - which should DIE!! To the person who sent me a picture message this afternoon at a bout 4 o'clock - I still havent got it! I have an ancient crappy phone not PXT capable and Telstra obviously no longer cares for people like me, and therefore i cannot see it...although I am beginning to think that the msg was sent to me by accident...which is sucky

On a happier note, my parents gave me an early Christmas prezzie - A TICKET TO GREENDAY! Yeah well I'm excited!
Also, I have a phantom pain, I mean I have alot of pain, but i can surmise the roots of these pains, however the pain in my finger is weird and unexplained. Its really bad...
Also, now I have a pain in my butt, but that is because I am sitting on the floor and have been for the past hour - to which I say, I should go to bed, I am working a nine hour shift tomorrow, which hurts...

So, goodnight

Monday, December 06, 2004

Am I weird...?

I actually like the smell the vacuum leader makes...

In other news, I realised today that middle aged women should not be allowed to utter the words "Its all about the bling bling" especially in public. No wait, NOBODY should be allowed to utter those words, 'bling' is a dumb word, it should be banned in all countries except America, because its fun to laugh at them (I'm gunna get in trouble for that one)

I am BORED...and *shock horror* I think I miss school...

I think I'm goingto go to bed, no one is online to talk to and I'm tired



Saturday, December 04, 2004

The Holy Grail

K, so it’s 3:30am, and I just got home from a friends 18th. It was a really great night, with many a drunken rendition of Hunters and Collectors’ ‘Holy Grail’. Kraukus made an exciting appearance, as did Jacob the Piano Man, and the electrifying (he he) appearance of the 12 string guitar which had lost a string due to the normal guitar having a missing E String. Phil spent a lot of the night trying to convince us he wasn’t drunk (sure sure!), and Joel kept placing his empty bottles in front of Mia ahh the irony. We also spent a lot of time trying to convince Michael to put his little bow tie back on, it was so cute.
I just had a thought… (I know this simple statement may shock a great deal of you, but its true, it was there), though now I am on the verge of forgetting…. Oh yes, do you think there is a clinical/medical reason for the way I write, so often in this blog…? Its like, well I’m not quite sure but it seems weird to me. Maybe I should stop writing like that.

In other news, I got accosted this morning for not getting more drunk at Schoolies…by my boss. She honestly thinks I am shaming people over the age of 18 because of my lack of pissededness. Does anyone else think this is strange? Well I do, however I kind of made up for it tonight, possibly the reason I have to delete everything I type and rewrite it. Generally though, I am a good girl :P

Hazaah! We are doing a Harry Potter Marathon tom… later today! Its weird, a year ago I absolutely hated Harry Potter and everything to do with it, and now I am an official convert. Its kind of scary, I mean, I am EXCITED about this… How Sad.

Oh yeah before I forget, while Em’s party was awesome, I did notice one thing…I am completely talentless. Steph was playing the piano and the guitar quite skilfully, Phil was playing FLAMENCO on the 12 string, and even Embo was being creative and made up her own song about… well it sounded like ‘Lord Dracula, being Craptacular’… but then it was kind of hard to hear. Tom can also play the guitar Kraukus style and Jake is amazing on the piano…And if I went on to list all my other friends’ talents I’d wanna slit my wrists by the end…so I wont, cuz I know how sad you’d all be! Pfft.

And no one fell over… Also Sad.

Damn, I just realised that Steph and I didn’t get to do our tradition of taking a photo of ourselves…the last one from Schoolies actually turned out pretty good. Damn.

Ok, I am tired and sore. Sleep time

Love you all

Friday, December 03, 2004


originally uploaded by DreamingAquanymphe.
There is a God! My iPod stopped working a couple of weeks ago to my horror. It was tragic, and so we went to the local Apple Store, I love that place, to see what they could do about it...and now...I have a new, old iPod. Thats right I am the proud owner of the first edition iPod, I got an iPod long before the iPod revolution took place and everyone had one...yeah I'm getting on my damn high horse! Anyway, so now I have a replacement and I'm happy. Also my family are now privvy to the wonderous iTrip, fun times ahead. Ahoy!

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Breathe No More...

I�ve been looking in the mirror for so long.
That I�ve come to believe my souls on the other side.
Oh the little pieces falling, shatter.
Shards of me,
Too sharp to put back together.
Too small to matter,
But big enough to cut me into so many little pieces.
If I try to touch her,
And I bleed,
I bleed,
And I breathe,
I breathe no more.

Take a breath and I try to draw from my spirits well.
Yet again you refuse to drink like a stubborn child.
Lie to me,
Convince me that I�ve been sick forever.
And all of this,
Will make sense when I get better.
I know the difference,
Between myself and my reflection.
I just can�t help but to wonder,
Which of us do you love.
So I bleed,
I bleed,
And I breathe,
I breathe now...
I bleed,
And I breathe,
I breathe,
I breathe-
I breathe no more